Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Contented Sighs

My four year old sleeps across the hall from my wife and me. I can't sleep tonight. It's after 1 AM and I find myself up on my laptop. I hear my four year old sigh. It's one of those really sweet sighs. It's one of those sighs that says, "My mommy and daddy love me. I love to play. I'm sleeping. I'm safe. Life is good."
As a Dad, I love to hear those sighs. Whenever I hear one of those sighs, I sorta sigh too. I take a deep breath and say a little prayer of thanks. I think God loves to hear our sighs too. Maybe it's a little prayer that's rolling off of our breath. Maybe it's a happy tear streaming down our face. I think God delights in those happy moments in our lives.
My four year old hasn't always been across the hall. He used to live in a pretty rough place. He experienced some pretty rough stuff at such a little age. When he first came, he had nightmares of monsters getting him. He would cry in the middle of the night and it broke my heart. He's safe now. He's happy now. He has contented sighs now.

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