Saturday, May 3, 2008

Teaching stuff that I'm learning and teaching...

I've been teaching/preaching for a long time...about 17 years. Geeze...I feel old now. One thing that I have noticed is that often times when I teach something or I preach a sermon, it's about something I am learning myself. Sometimes the subject is something someone else is learning too and it "resonates" with them. This happened a few times in the last couple of weeks. I'll try to recollect them...
I have been doing some quiet times on the life of Joseph. It's really cool stuff. I mentioned what I was learning with my sister and she was covering the same stuff in her Sunday School. Neat.
I was having a really hard week and I was learning about "casting my stuff". One topic that I used to wrap up the "mini sermon" was the "Geesus Loves Me" story. I was at the nursing home and when I came in the room, they were about to sing their little guessed? yep..."Jesus Loves Me." I was grinning from ear to ear as we sang the song.
Tonight I was reviewing for my Sunday Night class that I teach. It's talking about living life wisely and how fools reject correction and instruction. I was talking about this with one of my children just this week. I think this is the one where God is trying to teach me too.
I don't think it's any that this kind of stuff happens. I think God has to do this kind of stuff to get it through my thick skull!!

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