Monday, May 12, 2008

A complaint about Mother's Day

I have a complaint to make about Mother's Day. It's been a few years since I've been to a Sunday morning service on Mother's Day, but they almost always go down like this:
The sermon is about how wonderful mothers are. They are sweet, compassionate and moms everywhere are wonderful and are to be revered on this special day. We should all be thankful for our mothers and we celebrate how great our Moms are.
I have no problem with what is said on Mother's Day. My complaint comes in June. Father's Day. The sermons take a different least that's my experience. Father's Day at church goes down like this:
The sermon is about how sorry we Dads are. We don't do enough for our families and we need to be better at being Dads. No thank you's. No "great job!"'s a bashing.
Can anyone else relate? Let me know if you can relate....
I promise I'm not bitter about this...just an observation.

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