Sunday, May 4, 2008

Taking in the view...

The picture above this post (and all other posts, I guess) is the view from my front porch. See all that grass? I cut the land throughout the spring and summer and once in the late fall. The picture was taken during the fall. It's beautiful and I'm thankful for the view.
Tonight I am not feeling well. I'm stuffed up and I'm running a fever. My wife is out of town until tomorrow and I am feeling yucky. Even feeling yucky, I try to take in the view. I walk around the house at night...not the creepy, stalker kind of walking around! I love to check on the kids and I watch them sleep. I say a little prayer for them. I'm taking in the view.
I love to people watch...not the creepy, stalker kind of watching! I get my, wait...just kidding. No, actually I love to be in public places and I like to see how many different kind of people there are in this world we call home. I'm taking in the view.
I don't know if there is a point to all of this...I guess I'm reminding myself to take in the view.

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