Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Flag

I put up a new American flag at the house today. I am fairly patriotic and I enjoyed putting it up. The kids were curious and the boys were excited about the flag. I try to stick to flag etiquette, so I have a spot light on it to shine at night. I had some fond memories go through my mind as I put the flag outside. I thought about my Uncle Marion. He passed away a while ago...I always respected him. He was a retired Colonel from the Air Force. He always put his flag out on National holidays and he never had it out during the rain. He often complained about how people abused the flag and I sort of promised myself I would always respect Old Glory.
I also thought about our country. Our nation has a lot of problems, but it is still a great nation. We are so blessed. I thought about the folks in the Armed Services...I have so much respect for them. I remember seeing a group of soldiers in uniform walking in the airport. It was a sight to behold. There was almost a silence that surrounded them as they walked. I silently prayed for them as they walked by.
I stepped away from the house when darkness came. There she was...Old Glory...shining in the night. It felt pretty cool to see the flag on the house. May God Bless America!

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