Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm the worst Dad ever.

I am the worst Dad ever. Ever ever. Today was a rough day for being a Dad to a teenage daughter. My thirteen year old got in the van today from school and clammed up. Silence. Crickets. I poked her arm and then tickled her. "Stop...I don't want to be touched." What happened to my little girl??? Geeze...I have raised teenage girls before. I had 5 girls ALL THE SAME AGE. That meant 5 mood swings...5 emotional breakdowns...5 proms...5 boyfriends to beat with baseball bats. Surely after surviving 5 teenage girls at the same time I could handle one thirteen year old! I dunno....I guess I'm letting it get to me too much. I simply want a good relationship with my daughter. Is that too much to ask for? Well....I'm gonna try again tomorrow...I just will skip the tickling part.

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